Wednesday, August 19, 2009

news conversations

I was watching "the today show" this morning, which I would not suggest for anyone looking for real, hard news stories, and this story came up.  At first, I couldn't believe the reactions from people in America, about how terrible this is and what a horrible thing the scottish government is doing.  How could something called the compassion law be bad in any way?  
After some extensive conversations with my brother, and hearing from others on the most wonderful FB, however, my thoughts are changing.  Perhaps he should not be allowed to go free, and should be required to serve his life sentence because he is living under the laws of the world.  Honestly, my opinion on whether or not he goes free doesn't too much matter, seeing as he probably is and there's not much any one can do about it.  

However, this did bring up the question of compassion and love for our enemies, which is some thing that I think is hard to grasp.  Romans 12:17-21 was brought up, which
 ends with "Do not be overcome by evil, but repay evil with good."  
Also Matthew 15:43-48, which speaks about loving our enemies.  
Although it may not be the governments place to do this...i don't know what i think about is most definitely ours.  This man has killed 270 people, he is a convicted terrorist.  And according to the word of God, We are called to love him. not because he is dying of a terrible disease, but because he a creation of our perfect God.  He has done nothing to deserve the compassion of our hearts, or the compassion and mercy of our father, but neither have we.  

Loving your enemy is never easy, but as we live in this world of sin, 
where everyday another senseless death occurs, we should remember that "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  (ro
mans 5:8)
We are called to love the people the world tells us to hate.  the people who have sinned against us and our God, because Christ has also died for them.