Friday, June 12, 2009

....this is me blogging more

If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 44 things about your friends, and let them learn 44 things about you! Tag the person that sent it plus others. (whatever)

1. Do you like blue cheese? its not bad...i'm not really a fan of cheese 

2. Have you ever been drunk? nope...never plan to be

3. Do you own a gun? no. never will.

4. What flavor of Kool-Aid was your favorite? i hate Kool-Aid

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? sometimes

6. What do you think of hot dogs? after helping make 300 at lunch today and having kids explain how they are made, still gotta love 'em

7. Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story...the MOVIE, not the play

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water, sometimes orange juice

9. Can you do push ups? I can, although when I was in the tenth grade, I messed up my rotator cuff doing them at a swim meet....brilliant decision to show off....i still have trouble with that shoulder 

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? amethyst earrings from my wonderful late grandmother.  I miss her dearly.  Purple was her favorite color, and is also mine.  She was a huge influence in my life.  I love Jesus today mostly because of her and the influence she had on the people around me.  

11. Favorite hobby? Photography....check out my Flikr

12. Do you have A.D.D.? ADHD

13. What's your favorite shoe? either my riding boots or my moccasins 

14. Middle name? michelle

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1. Its late 2. VACATION TOMORROW 3.I want God to move me

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Coke and water...thats really about it....

17. Current worry? stupid SC teacher loan, and the future.  However, my Bible says Do not worry about tomorrow.  Tomorrow will take care of itself.  Today has enough worry of its own.  Worry is the mistrust of my savior, and the more I worry the further I get from Him.  

18. Current hate right now? that I can't stay at the Leisure Center and go to Crossroads

19. How did you bring in the New Year? with my family, the way I always do

20. What is your favorite band? idea....Iron and Wine maybe...Sigur Ros...although thats not really a band...Coldplay? 

21. Where would you like to go? Africa...for an extended period of time too

22. Name three people who will complete this? let's just be honest one

23. Do you own slippers? i own moccasins 

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? no comment

25. Do you like sleeping on Satin sheets? i haven't but I can't imagine i would...jersey is nice

26. Can you whistle? nope....

27. Favorite color? purple 

28. Would you be a pirate? ....first of all what kind of question is this? and honestly, no not at all murder and theft go against everything I believe in....

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? star spangled the glory days.(I sang it at the last basketball game of my senior year, and for some reason everyone loved it....and I'm proud of that...dont think I could ever do it again but)

30. Favorite Girl's Name? no idea...I found an amazing biblical one in acts the other day but I can't remember it now

31. Favorite boy's name? Hayden

32. What's in your pocket right now? no pockets

33. Last thing that made you laugh? ..."how do you wake up lady gaga? poke 'er face" spoken by a ten year old.  I love my job

34. Best bed sheets as a child? alladin all the way...they were actually jasmin i think...purple and pink...and totally awesome...the tiger was on my pillow!

35. Worst injury you've ever had as a child? I was standing on a stack of chairs, and I fell face first and broke my nose....two black eyes for about a week

36. Do you love where you live? i prefer the thrill

37. What menial tasks drive you nuts? ...anything where I can't see the end product.  I would hate factory work

38. Who is your loudest friend? hmmmm...toss up between me and KT manley

39. How many dogs do you have? uno

40. Does someone have a crush on you? yeah... i kinda like him too ;-)

41. What is your favorite book? The Bible. Irresistible Revolution (shane clabourn) it will change the way you live.  

42. What is your favorite candy? shockers maybe...laughy taffy...its a candy and a joke...Razzels are also AWESOME...i had some for the first time the other night

43. Favorite Sports Team? cubs

44. What song do you want played at your funeral? amazing grace or isaiah 43

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